Thursday, October 31, 2013

Staying alive & comfortable during SHTF

  When most people prep they are generally only thinking about one thing, staying alive. While there isn't anything inherently wrong with just trying to stay alive they seem to miss a large part of life when they're prepping. The part of which I speak is entertainment.  One might ask. "What does entertainment have to do with keeping myself and my family safe?" It has an awful lot to do with keeping your morale up and trade value. Do you enjoy watching movies, listening to music, enjoying a nice cigar on occasion? You do? Good.
You are not alone in enjoying the little things.
  A good place to start prepping is at yard sales, on facebook, craiglist etc. Good things to start out with are a reliable vehicle that can hold a decent amount of gear, food for a few months, water and lots of it, a decent rifle, a decent shotgun, a pistol, a .22 long rifle, lots of ammo and spare fuel, enough to go a set number of miles in one vehicle.
  The items mentioned above are most important but one must not forget about the little things that distract you when you're bored. Good entertainment items to prep would be dvds, cds, an mp3 player loaded with music, spare batteries, tobacco products (even if you don't smoke), gaming systems and games.
   I'll delve a little deeper into trade value. Imagine someone has a little extra of something you need, like fuel. Now imagine that guy is an avid cigar smoker and he hasn't had one in 3 months. You could turn that $10 cigar into $50 worth of fuel or more.
  The importance of entertainment can be put on the back burner as you collect supplies but always remember that if you don't give yourself something to do in your spare time you're gonna regret it (if you have kids and you forget their favorite movies/music they will drive you up a wall).